Having embarked on this journey of personal investing, I have found it to be surprisingly interesting to observe how other people make their decisions an the reactions they have from the subsequent results.
As such, I consider it noteworthy to narrate a certain saga that had occurred before me quite recently, more or less in response to my ボーイフレンド's current state of affairs and the reactions of two colleagues, Mr A and Mr D. It is without a shadow of a doubt to me that Mr D is the more intelligent and accomplished of the two, but with a streak of competitiveness and a desire to outperform others, he has of late undertaken a number of risky ventures without due consideration, some of which have resulted in bad outcomes which have put him further away from where he wanted to be. Coupled with an inability to accept good counsel when offered, this has drawn him down the dark path of inevitable destruction (or at least perpetual unhappiness)( ̄^ ̄). By contrast, Mr A who I consider to be less smart, but aware of his shortcomings, of good character and sincerity had been inspired to do better and undertaken several small but significant adjustments to his lifestyle with a slow and steady approach to securing his financial future without a hint of bitterness but genuine desire to further his goals ヾ(。・ω・)シ. It would appear to me that even though after several decades, Mr D may still amass a greater fortune than Mr A, there is no question of who would attain a greater quality of life. One can only hope Mr D sees the light before it is too late. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
In closing, it cannot be overstated enough the importance of staying humble and pursuing your life and goals at your own pace, without being misguided by the green eyed monster. Seeing someone who has achieved greater than you can be used a s a source of aspiration and motivation to extend yourself and do better, but if it leads you to irrational decisions in a bid to attain superiority, then a self aware individual ought to identify and cease this behaviour, for only with self reflection can we recognise and overcome our own demons. (*•̀ᴗ•́*)و ̑̑
“Rule 4. Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not to who someone else is today"
- Jordan Peterson's 12 Rules for Life.
By 小福
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