In my childhood, I used to be a huge fan of Sailor Moon trading cards, subsequently amassing a large collection of cards which were my pride and joy. At some point, I met up with a distant cousin over a meal, and as all young children are prone to do, I showed her my stash of cards. At this point, she told me that she had a hot tip that a certain card that she held was worth $50 (a fortune to a seven year old), which was more than enough to drastically multiply my collection, all for a discounted family rate of my best card凸( ` ロ ´ )凸. As all dumb seven year olds would do when presented with this offer, I jumped on it. Only several days after the fact when I asked around to find a way to sell off the card to expand my collection was I informed by my parents that what I was given was a plain piece of cardboardヽ(`⌒´メ)ノ .
My ボーイフレンド 's experience was similar but different. Back in the early days of the highly popular MMORPG Maplestory, he was sold an enhancement scroll for $1.5m gold on the premise that he was getting a discount from the regular $2m market value. Again, as children are oft to do, he made the purchase. Luckily for him, he onsold it to another unsuspecting buyer for a profit, only to realise later that these scrolls could be purchased at an unlimited quantity from the game itself for the small sum of $34k. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
In essence, the economy as we know it is a giant marketplace of people conducting individual trades every single day. For every transaction there is a seller, a buyer and an agreed price. For market crashes to happen, the players often get so hyped up in the perceived value of an asset completely deviates from the true value. Those who are lucky can pass it on to another buyer, those who aren't lucky when the ball drops are left with a piece of cardboard (`皿´#).
By 小福
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